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Win-Win Staffing Solutions for Staff and Residents

For leaders and HR professionals working in senior care facilities, staffing even before the pandemic was a challenge. Today, when most facilities are stretched beyond capacity, senior care leaders must find innovative workforce management solutions to tackle their challenges in new ways so they can effectively engage and retain staff.

Engagement is Crucial

In Canada, turnover has risen by 5% across all healthcare jobs over the last decade. A recent study by the National Healthcare Retention and RN Staffing Report says that hospital turnover averaged 18.2% in 2017- the highest ever recorded turnover rate for almost a decade in the industry. Furthermore, the Canadian Nurses Association warns that Canada will experience an extreme shortage in nurses in the coming years, predicting a shortage of 60,000 nurses by the year 2022.

In the United States, there has been a 30% rise in the number of American healthcare employees who describe themselves as merely “contributing” rather than actively engaged. Data from Quantum Workplace research, which surveyed 75,000 employees across the U.S., discovered that within the healthcare industry sit some of the most disengaged employees in the country.

Yet studies show that increased staff engagement translates to better patient outcomes. In a Gallup study, highly engaged hospital nurses experienced superior patient outcomes and decreased mortality rates, while less engaged nurses saw an increase in patient mortality rates. The researchers determined that the engagement level of nurses was the number-one factor where patient mortality was concerned.

Integrate Technology

An important component of engaging staff involves finding effective healthcare staffing and workforce management systems that make staff feel more valued. Many day-to-day processes—from call outs to staff communications and scheduling—currently rely on antiquated technologies and practices that drive inefficiencies and increase expenses, resulting in administrative burdens, poor staff communication and low levels of staff satisfaction.

Advances in technology make recruiting easier, more cost-effective and streamline the hiring process. Technology can also help healthcare organizations meet candidates where they live—on their mobile devices. More and more, candidates are using their mobile devices in the job hunt, with 89 percent of candidates believing their mobile devices to be a vital part of the job-hunting process.

Technology can also help healthcare organizations improve the way they manage the workforce. For example, healthcare staffing software and shift management software all allow for more effective and streamlined hiring, retention and engagement practices in senior care facilities that contribute to improving the employee experience.

Introduce Flexible Scheduling

Flexible scheduling allows senior care facility leaders to determine what the work schedule needs, and then lets employees choose shifts for themselves. Using apps or employee scheduling software allows employees to view available shifts, select the shifts they want and then communicate with the team about their choices.

For managers, this leads to easier and more efficient workforce management. or employees, these tools offer more control over how they manage and balance the demands of work and personal time. Because flexible scheduling is collaborative, it also allows for more communication between workers and between staff and management. Best of all, flexible scheduling usually means happier employees, who feel more comfortable working in an environment that offers adaptable and flexible working hours. Finally, because flexible working requires less cost than fixed working hours, this method also allows senior care facilities to save on time and resource costs.

Deal Breaker

Even the smallest advantage in your employee benefits package can be a deal breaker or maker for a new hire. Introducing technological innovations and flexible scheduling can give senior care facilities a competitive edge by attracting and retaining the best possible talent.

Learn how BookJane helps health care facilities improve shift fulfillment by 40%, dramatically decrease their time to fill shifts, and significantly reduce burdensome scheduling and administration time.


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